If you are thinking about transitioning from staying in a dorm room to living in a student apartment, you will be making a major transition. There are several advantages that come from moving into an apartment. However, you will also need to prepare yourself for your new lifestyle.
Have Your Parents Read the Lease
While some leases are simple, many leases are very wordy and complex. Your parents might be more experienced with renting and can help you determine if a particular lease agreement will fit with your lifestyle.
For example, if you think it's very likely that you'll get a dog, choose an apartment that will allow you to eventually pay a pet fee. Some apartments have very strict rules that you might consider stifling.
Decide How Close You Want to Live to Campus
You may not feel like commuting but living close to campus can sometimes limit your options. In some cases, there might not even be any apartments available for rent nearby when you need one. You might find an apartment that's further away but has convenient travel options to get to campus easily.
Participate in the Walkthrough
Most apartments will automatically expect you to participate in a walkthrough. You will need to inspect the locks, doors, and lights to make sure that everything works properly. Also, always take pictures of the apartment to document so you can prove that the apartment was already in a particular condition before you moved in.
While you are undergoing the walkthrough, it's a good time to ask questions. The good news is that many landlords are already accustomed to many of the questions that first-time renters have and will be able to help. For example, ask about how you are expected to pay rent and how you can request maintenance.
Buy New Furniture
The best part about renting an apartment is that you tend to have more space for your own furniture. However, the process of furnishing the apartment might be troublesome. The good news is that you'll be able to choose the exact type of furniture that you want.
Decide How Much You Will Cook
College is a great time to try new experiences and you might decide to take up cooking as a hobby. The great thing about building up a supply of kitchen materials is that you can start simple and slowly add to the utensils you have in your kitchen.